Saturday, April 11, 2009

Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better

Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better (right click, save as)

I'm always a sucker for mellow, chill, but still upbeat music. Thanks to my friend David (also known as BEAST!) for this song. I don't know much about the band other than that they're French... go wiki them if you want.

College Update...

Went this past weekend to NYU and checked out the place. After some big thinking and alot of talking with the parentals...

Hello New York!

Trust me, the decision wasn't an easy one. It was between UCSC (friken california budget cuts..) or NYU. Big difference. But it all came down to what I wanted to do in the future, and I feel that by going to NY I'll have such a great opportunity to do what I love. I know it'll be tough, but I'm determined to stick with it. Anyway...who wants to teach me some piano basics?


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