Friday, April 17, 2009

George Benson - Breezin'

Download now or listen on posterous
670C86FA3C26E821.m4a (5419 KB)

Ok, first attempt at doing this posterous thing. Thanks to my bro's friend JJ for the idea. It seems real cool. His blog is here. It's currently 2:15 AM and I should be sleeping but this seems too legit. Anyway, hopefully some George Benson should show up and it'll play it in a small little player. I'm out to sleep. Serra Top 7 Saturday!

Update: Ok, it didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to. First, the song I uploaded takes the name of the file instead of the id3 tag on the .m4a (i got it through Mojo). Also, it leaves me with this ugly box that says "download now or listen on posterous". When you go to my posterous, the same post is shown but now theres a cool little listening box... but for some reason it doesnt show up on the Blogger. Also it seems that there's no way to edit the listeing player html so that the player is black to match my blog. Lastly, the twitter post links to my posterous, instead of my blogger, which is what I want it to do. Everything else seemed fine. All in all, a good effort by posterous, hopefully they could fine tune the system a bit more.

Posted via email from deadtrick's posterous


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