Thursday, April 16, 2009

Corrientes - Future Day

Corrientes - Future Day

I literally just found this artist about 5 minutes ago, listened to this one song, and I am now sitting here writing this. Thanks to jamendo for supplying the music. The link is to the full album titled Motion, Mottos, Munity. If I made a playlist of all the songs to listen to on a sunny day, I would probably put all these songs on it. So sooooothing. My favorite was "Future Day" so be sure to give that a listen. "NY Sidewalk" was a good one also. Heck, they're all good! Just sit back, close your eyes, and listen to the music...

Spring break is almost over. I haven't done much, other than sit on the computer and blog about random crap, read other people's blogs, twitter (follow me!), go on facebook, eat, workout, go to practice at 10am, sit around and watch TV, etc. I need to get started on that spring break homework...


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