Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blogger DMCA notifications...

Wowwww seriously google. Another post taken down (Digital Millennium Copyright Act), this one for my post of Silversun Pickup's Panic Switch. Thinking of maybe switching to a tumblr... or some other blog site... one where I won't have to deal with this stupid copyright stuff. If anyone has any ideas feel free to contact me.

Other than that, more music to come. Got a whole bunch of CD's from the library, so sit tight.

P.S. Crazy Boston vs. Bulls game today. Ray Allen with 51 points but Boston ending up losing it by 1 in the end. I got Boston winning it at home for game 7.

and so, I leave you with youtube videos.

A nice version of Stand By Me played all around the world.

An AMAZING arrangement of Love Story (Taylor Switft) and Viva la Vida (coldplay)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This Will Destroy You - The World Is Our _____

"The World Is Our ___" (mp3)
from "Young Mountain"
(Magic Bullet)

Sometimes, you don't need lyrics to express your music. I believe in the idea that you can move people and your audience just through music and your own emotions... although words and lyrics do help! (I sound like I'm writing an essay...) This Will Destroy You is one of those bands, reminding me of another post-rock instrumental band, Explosions in the Sky. Definitely give it a listen if you liked the music from Friday Night Lights.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Starcraft II

Freakin Starcraft 2... come out already!!

No time to blog. Too much work. Maybe the weekend.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Bricolage - Turn U Over

"Turn U Over" (mp3)
from "Bricolage"
Buy at Rhapsody
More On This Album

Thank You IODA, for finally sending me my login information to IODAPromonet. If any of you have a blog or are looking to just find some new music, I highly suggest signing up for IODAPromonet. It's also easy to use, giving you an HTML code for a direct download and more information on the artist.

Oh and for all you SF folks, you know how crazy the heat is right now. I swear it was like 95 today. I wanna get some halo-halo.

Music Provided by IODA Promonet

Friday, April 17, 2009

George Benson - Breezin'

Download now or listen on posterous
670C86FA3C26E821.m4a (5419 KB)

Ok, first attempt at doing this posterous thing. Thanks to my bro's friend JJ for the idea. It seems real cool. His blog is here. It's currently 2:15 AM and I should be sleeping but this seems too legit. Anyway, hopefully some George Benson should show up and it'll play it in a small little player. I'm out to sleep. Serra Top 7 Saturday!

Update: Ok, it didn't quite work out the way I wanted it to. First, the song I uploaded takes the name of the file instead of the id3 tag on the .m4a (i got it through Mojo). Also, it leaves me with this ugly box that says "download now or listen on posterous". When you go to my posterous, the same post is shown but now theres a cool little listening box... but for some reason it doesnt show up on the Blogger. Also it seems that there's no way to edit the listeing player html so that the player is black to match my blog. Lastly, the twitter post links to my posterous, instead of my blogger, which is what I want it to do. Everything else seemed fine. All in all, a good effort by posterous, hopefully they could fine tune the system a bit more.

Posted via email from deadtrick's posterous

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Corrientes - Future Day

Corrientes - Future Day

I literally just found this artist about 5 minutes ago, listened to this one song, and I am now sitting here writing this. Thanks to jamendo for supplying the music. The link is to the full album titled Motion, Mottos, Munity. If I made a playlist of all the songs to listen to on a sunny day, I would probably put all these songs on it. So sooooothing. My favorite was "Future Day" so be sure to give that a listen. "NY Sidewalk" was a good one also. Heck, they're all good! Just sit back, close your eyes, and listen to the music...

Spring break is almost over. I haven't done much, other than sit on the computer and blog about random crap, read other people's blogs, twitter (follow me!), go on facebook, eat, workout, go to practice at 10am, sit around and watch TV, etc. I need to get started on that spring break homework...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Incubus leaves SF Fans with "Black Hearts"

So when I heard that Incubus will be releasing a new album and doing a summer tour, I got excited. My friend and I immediately signed up for more information and pre-ordered the album, giving us access to pre-sale of both summer tour tickets and their newest single, Black Heart Inertia. Today after much anticipation, I finally got an e-mail saying that pre-sale with be avaliable tomorrow for their tour date in SF. And what is the venue? Outside Lands Music Festival in Golden Gate Park. Now believe me, I would love to see the many other artists playing there, but the price is around $200 for a 3 day ticket, and I don't feel like shelling out that cash when I ultimately just want to see Incubus, which will probably only receive small playing time anyway. So Incubus, if you happen to be reading this...please do something for your fans here in SF!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cas One - Flashbacks

Cas One - Flashbacks (feat. Brother Ali)

Once again taking credit from welikeit.indie, a change from some alternative music into the hip-hop world. This guy reminds me alot of Atmosphere... hopefully he gets some attention for his music. Give it a listen if you like real hip-hop.

In other news, I got approved to access IODAPromonet! Definitely excited to find new music and post it all for of you to hear. Updates soon to come...once I get my login information.. which I patiently await..

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better

Phoenix - If I Ever Feel Better (right click, save as)

I'm always a sucker for mellow, chill, but still upbeat music. Thanks to my friend David (also known as BEAST!) for this song. I don't know much about the band other than that they're French... go wiki them if you want.

College Update...

Went this past weekend to NYU and checked out the place. After some big thinking and alot of talking with the parentals...

Hello New York!

Trust me, the decision wasn't an easy one. It was between UCSC (friken california budget cuts..) or NYU. Big difference. But it all came down to what I wanted to do in the future, and I feel that by going to NY I'll have such a great opportunity to do what I love. I know it'll be tough, but I'm determined to stick with it. Anyway...who wants to teach me some piano basics?

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kalimba Beatbox

An amazing musician. I want a kalimba!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Slum Village - Fall in Love

Slum Village - Fall in Love

Time to change it up a bit. Here's some real hip-hop for you heads, not any of that gangsta rap bullshit. Although Slum Village is a mainly more popular group from Detroit, (known for their hit Selfish with Kanye West & John Legend), they still bring out some good hip-hop. They've influenced other hip-hop artists also, such as The Platinum Piped Pipers and Dwele.

I haven't had much time to update this, but I'll try to update it at least once a week. I'll be going to NY for the weekend to visit NYU...definitely excited!