Sunday, May 10, 2009

Starfucker - Boy Toy/Medicine

Starfucker - Boy Toy (mp3)
Sarfucker - Medicine (mp3)
Buy at iTunes Music Store

Poppy and catchy dance/electronic music. Starfucker. How the heck did these guys come up with that name? And tell me why the album art looks very similar to the Faunts album? Maybe I have a thing for multi-colored album art... Anyway, two songs for you to download today, both are catchy and I recommend giving a listen to both. Here's a description of them from IODA that is way to long to post.

In other news, 1 Week of AP's then I'm pretty much done with school. Then prom. Then party. Maybe while listening to starfucker in the car. Then summer...finally! Oh, and Happy Mother's Day today to all the Moms,grandmothers,godmothers, soon to be mothers, etc.


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