Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I've started to read my brother's tumblr lately, and he last blogged about dreams. Weird how both of us are having weird dreams...because I have also. You know how there's that period of time when you don't have any dreams so you want to dream but you don't dream... yeah. But now I'm having dreams back and forth, its crazy. Like every night. However, mine are a bit different from my brothers' because mine are like NIGHTMARES. Scary shit thats happening in my dreams. I wake up scared as shit because I think this stuff is real. I'll share one right now...

I was in my house just chillin with my friend Matt.... we were eating Ritz bitz crackers or something but we were just sittin around doing nothing. Then all of a sudden the doorbell rang and I got up and opened it. I think I was expecting the gaming mice that Alex and I ordered, but no. It was the manager of this store that I applied to for a job. He was HUGE and he just walked in and started invading my fridge. When I came back around to see what the hell his problem was, he pulled a huge knife on me. For some reason Matt had a knife also, and then they were just holding it up in the air like they were about to stab each other but they haven't yet. I saw my pocket knife carabiner on the countertop but it was across the other side (closest to the big huge guy) so I couldn't get it. Then all of a sudden the guy tried to slash Matt and we both did this weird ass karate move from UFC and he was on the ground. I looked at my hands and they were all bleeding for some reason. I grabbed my pocket knife carabiner and started stabbing him all over the place... but he wouldn't die. No matter where i shanked him, he kept coming back to life. So with all my might I hit his head with my fist and then he finally sat there. He was still conscious, but he wasn't doing anything, so I presumed he was dead. Then we proceded to all pray the rosary... wtf?!?! I woke up after that.

For all you reading this, don't think that this really means anything serious... Like my bro said, I don't think this applies to my life at all, except for the real life references (the manager guy, the gaming mice..) But its still scary nonetheless. I don't have a song to post right now, but I'll look through my iTunes and see if I can find something spooky.


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