Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nightcrawlers Remix/Daft Punk/Best I've Ever Had Video

I was trying out my new iPhone 3GS that I just got last week while I was riding in my friends car, and hearing Pitbull's single "hotel room", I opened Shazam and attempted to tag it.  Instead of getting Pitbull as a result, I got Nightcrawlers - Push the Feeling On, which is actually the synthe sample from Hotel Room.  So I looked it up. and here it is.

But I don't really like the original, so here's a remix of it. Much Better!

and because I feel like it, some smooth Daft Punk.

and Lastly, for all you people still in love with "Best I Ever Had", you would expect the music video to be great as well. well too bad it SUCKS!

Push The Feeling On (Russ Chimes Remix) by Russ Chimes  
Download now or listen on posterous
Push The Feeling On (Russ Chimes Remix).mp3 (11964 KB)

Something About Us by Daft Punk  
Download now or listen on posterous
09 Something About Us.mp3 (6082 KB)

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